By following one or more of these tips I guarantee you will lose the girl
1. Eating or drinking soup with a disgusting voices.
2. Chewing with open mouth.
3. Finishing a good meal or a can of Pepsi with a big loud burp " with this you can lose me for ever ".
4. Wearing white sport socks with a formal shoe.
5. Wearing white trousers, and for more impact wear a whole white suit "ya salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam".
6. Wearing short trousers or pushing it up more than the limit.
7. telling a girl that she gained weight ,specially when she did.
I'm not going to mention the sweating smell or the farting thing because it's a will known disgusting things...really ,they are!!!
Enough for now :)
4 التعليقات :
أبو سمرة بطول محفظته من وراء اذنه
هاد ازا في جيب اساسا...شكله البنطلون لف :)
مش حرام عليك .. مش خايفة الله يعملك زيه !!
هه هه هه هه :)
لا القصد كان صوره توضيحيه للحكي :)
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